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Gratitude 2020

Writer's picture: sarahjbohnenkampsarahjbohnenkamp

Updated: Dec 9, 2020

2020 was a year we really got to practice gratitude.

With so much we couldn't do, it made sense to focus on the GOOD.

When was the last time you made a gratitude list?

Here's my latest...with many items "on repeat" from prior years, and a few newbies:

1. My beautiful children. I mean, every parent knows their kids are the best thing. Ever. And MINE are totally the best and most beautiful.

2. The way my Husker Lovin Hubby can make me laugh out loud.

3. My intuition. It’s so damn smart.

4. Horses. I love them so much. They saved my life as a child. This I know without a doubt. Oh…their beauty. Wisdom. Grace.

5. Music. It feeds my soul. This year's hitters for me included John Prine, the Hamilton soundtrack (holy freaking amazing), Ryan Bingham, Tyler Childers, The Highwomen, and Ian Munsick.

6. My amazing coaching clients. It feels amazing to love the people you work with so much. I pinch myself sometimes because they rock so hard.

7. Feeling warm sun on my face.

8. Books. I love reading so much! 2020 good reads included The Only Woman in the Room, The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank, Where the Crawdads Sing, and the Compton Cowboys.

9. Instagram and TikTok. The creativity and beauty I see online on these platforms each day inspires me. Seriously.

10. Coffee…and chocolate donuts. They don’t have to be served together, but it’s magic when they are.

11. Safe travel during a pandemic. We haven't gone many places, but we DID take a few epic adventures this year. Our trip to Boise over the Fourth of July to be with my dad and step-mom Mary, then safely traveling through Island Park and Yellowstone National Park...then staying in a treehouse before moving into Bozeman for a few nights of leadership awesomeness was energizing and connecting. I love road-trips and nature.

12. Taking unscheduled, last-minute trips. Life is an adventure. Sledding down the ski-runs at Breck is something I won't soon forget!

13. Old friends who know you at your core.

14. My creativity. Although for a long time I shunned this label, I’m an artist. I love using my imagination and creating ideas into tangible, beautiful things that bring more love and leadership into the world.

15. Cowboy Boots and flip-flops. I love them. So much. I've got my eye on some City Boots in 2021!

16. Steak and Sushi. But not together.

17. Whiskey.

18. My health. My body amazes me, even with a few extra pounds and grey hairs.

19. My home. It’s cozy and my family feels safe here.

20. Canva. I love this online tool that helps me to create great visual content.

21. Montana Farm Bureau, and their ACE program who continues to allow me to help develop leaders in agriculture. I love working with this organization and can't wait to see what's ahead for 2021!

22. Candles & Fire. The energy, the mood, the smell, all of it.

23. Hummingbirds. They remind me to be joyful and happy!

24. My Izzy. She’s the best old lady Chihuahua in the world! 14 years strong.

25. Water. I love that I can have clean, drinkable water at any time. I also love the way being next to water in nature makes me feel (Rivers, steams, creaks, ocean, fountains, waterfalls, etc.). Flow, baby. Flow.

26. Jewelry from my late grandmas. It helps me to feel connected to their wisdom and love when I wear these pieces, which includes an amazing class ring from my Grandma Donna (we went to the same High School-Pocatello High and it fits me like it was made for me), and an amazing silver beaded bracelet (with turquoise colors that I LOVE) from my Grandma Rita who passed in 2016.

27. Farmers and Ranchers. Because I like to eat safe, wholesome, nutritious food.

28. Leather. The smell. The saddles. The bridles. The purses. The boots. Oh yeahhhhhh.

29. The ability to hike, within a few short minutes of where I live.

30. The fact that I was born with free will.

31. The fact that I was given a WILD imagination.

32. My mom who loves me unconditionally.

33. Friends who are like family: The entire Delbridge family. Without your support, I would not be the woman I am today and I’m forever grateful for everything you’ve done for me and the love you continue to share. Wolfe, Darlene, Roxie, Leslie…best people ever.

34. Mother nature. I love her and all that she provides for the world.

35. Freedom of speech. I can say whatever I want to say, whenever I want to say it and I’m thankful for all who came before me and who fought for this right.

36. The fact that lots of people love my wahoooooooo energy.

37. Natural hot springs.

38. People who SMILE back at me at stores and airports (even when I can only see it in your eyes because of our face masks).

39. Breath.

40. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. When I was introduced to this content when I worked at Arizona Federal Credit Union, my life changed in so many ways. Principles of effectiveness don’t change. This content will be GOLD for ages.

41. The wonderful women who have blazed epic trails before me and who have gifted me with the right to vote and be a badass in any field I choose.

42. The fact that Idaho Central Credit Union hired me many moons ago, fresh out of college to create a Training department, even through I wasn’t an expert in the world of training. They walked the talk of Hiring the Smile and Training the Skill. The investment they made in me is priceless to who I am now and I’ll forever be grateful.

43. The fact that the American National CattleWomen, Inc. hired me when I moved to Denver…even though I wasn’t raised in the beef world and had no experience .

44. The fact that I’m a quick study (in most areas). I LOVE to learn.

45. Stand up guys like Kent Fonda. When I was the Dodge National Circuit Finals Rodeo queen, way back when…he saw something special in me and worked to put me in the pipeline to become the next Coors or Colt Cowgirl. Although that didn’t happen, the fact that he thought I COULD made me open my eyes to bigger opportunities…outside of my hometown. Plus…I got to do some cool things along the way like sit in the Coors suite at the NFR and shoot pearl-handled 45s at the Las Vegas Gun Club.

46. My x-step mom, Brenda. She’s one of the strongest and has always loved on me. I’m so thankful for the big love she shares with me.

47. The fact that I am my own boss. BOOM!

48. My second mama, Judy. I'm convinced I work as hard as I do because of the example she set.

49. Concerts at Red Rocks. Well, any concert/live music really. Those at Red Rocks are just extra special. Live music is something I miss the most from our 2020 lockdowns.

50. Excel and QuickBooks. I love you. I hate math.

51. The fact that people call me Social Sarah. I think it’s cute. I am social. It’s a strength.

52. Guys who make love to guitars, like John Mayer.

53. Liquid eye liner, eye brow pencils and killer lipstick. They really help to make this girl feel like a bombshell.

54. Fresh flowers on my kitchen table. I work from home a lot and I love how something as simple as a few fresh flowers can make my environment feel so much better as I click, click, click on my keyboard.

55. Heated seats in my car. Oh the simple pleasures of having a warm tush.

56. People who cut right to the chase. Ain’t nobody got time to pussy foot around things, you know?

57. My journal. Writing crystalizes thought. Crystalized though breeds action.

58. Triscuits and Sharp Cheddar cheese. One of my fave snacks.

59. Love & Leadership. In all forms.

60. "Essential" workers...of all types. Especially my local King Soopers workers, health-care workers, and teachers.

61. Kirstin Vold, one of my favorite cowgirls. She's so giving and gritty. LOVE her and alllllll her pretty horses.

62. My Danielle Laporte Desire Map Weekly planner. I've been using this for years and LOVE the journal prompts, style and feel.

63. 5 years in business for myself! Time really does fly!

64. Smokey.

65. Cindy Goodburn and the Goodburn Ranch. #collaboration #community #horses #leadership

66. Technology that has kept us connected this year. Zoom, FaceTime, and Alexa!

67. My mountain bike.

68. Everyone who purchased EPIC merch from me this year! I had so much fun designing stickers, hoodies, tees, and fun! More to come in 2021!

69. Time at home with my family. It's not lost on me that it's a gift for me to spend so much time with my kids (while working from home). Not traveling much in 2020 has allowed me to be present in their lives in a way that I'll never forget.

There is sooooooo much more I could list...and I will continue to do so each week in my journal.

Will you?

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